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Crofton Anne-Dane

Ofsted / Data


The infant school was last fully inspected in February 2022 and is currently graded good. 

The junior school had its last full inspection in December 2018 and was graded as good. 

Both reports are available to view on the Ofsted website https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/ or in the relevant school's policies folder.


Outcomes 2019

Teacher assessments were finalised at the end of June 2019. 

Tests were taken in early May 2019 in year 6 and throughout May 2019 in Year 2. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) assessments have been completed for children in Year R and the phonics screening check for Year 1 children, and some Year 2 children, was carried out in June.


  • 72% of children achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ (National 72%)

 In Year 1 Phonics screening;

  • 83% of children achieved the required standard (National 82%)

In Year 2 Teacher assessment;

  • 77% of children achieved the expected standard in reading and 35% at greater depth (National 75% and 25%)
  • 77% of children achieved the expected standard in writing and 14% at greater depth (National 70% and 15%)
  • 81% of children achieved the expected standard in maths and 29% at greater depth (National 76% and 22%)
  • 71% of children achieved the expected standard in reading, writing, maths combined and 10% at greater depth (National 65% and 11%)

In Year 6 tests;

  • In reading, writing and maths combined 63% of our children achieved the expected standard (National 65%).
  • In reading 70% of our children achieved the expected standard with 14% achieving significantly above the required scale score of 100. (National 73%).
  • In writing 74% of our children achieved the expected standard in writing with 23% achieving at greater depth, (National 78%).
  • In Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) 83% of our children achieved the expected standard and 27% achieved significantly above. (National 78%)
  • In maths, 79% of our children achieved at the expected standard with 20% achieving well above. (National 79%).


Performance tables at GOV.UK

Performance table for our Infant School

Performance table for our Junior School